Being Taught in Our Schools
An Indictment of a Decadent Culture by
Gary Ray Branscome
they did not receive the love of the truth… God will send them a powerful
delusion, so that they will believe lies” (2Thessalonians
Christians need to wake up to the fact
that our government is not religiously neutral, and because governments deal
with questions of right and wrong, crime and punishment, the very idea that any
government could be religiously neutral is itself a delusion. If government was
neutral it would never act contrary to what we, or anyone else, believe to be
Rulers who
try to force us to accept sexual perversion [homosexuality, transgender etc.]
as normal, and claim that anyone who condemns such wickedness is guilty of a
hate crime, are themselves tyrants who are just as wicked as King Herod. In
fact, in the eyes of God their decision to allow abortion is no different than
King Herod’s decision to murder the infants in
When it comes to “transgender,” in a recent
interview with British broadcaster and journalist Piers Morgan, well known
author and atheist Professor Richard Dawkins said, “As a biologist, there are two sexes and that’s all there is to it.”
To which Piers Morgan commented, it is, “from a completely false pretext that you
can somehow pretend biology doesn’t exist, particularly when it comes to
someone’s sex.” Yet many in our country would rather play pretend than face the
truth of their own sinfulness, and God has sent them a powerful delusion.
Satanic Religion
In the early days of our nation, most
of the children who attended school walked to school. The schools were small,
and because they were in walking distance each neighborhood had its own school.
The teacher was hired by the community, and the school reflected the beliefs
and values of the community. The school day usually opened with prayer and
Bible reading, and the curriculum included many truths from the Bible. However,
as governmental power grew, the schools were taken out of the hands of the
parents, Christian influence was removed, and the truth of God’s Word was
replaced with lies cunningly disguised as science.
After just a few decades of federal
oversight of education the situation had gotten so bad that the complaints of
parents led to an official investigation. In that investigation, over
six-thousand people were interviewed, and one thing that those interviews uncovered
is that almost every school has at least one teacher who actively tries to
destroy a student’s faith in God. The book, “Child Abuse in the Classroom”
contains over 400 pages of excerpts from those interviews. Another book, “Public
Schools – the Worst Case of Child Abuse in American History,” documents a
different kind of child abuse, which replaces sound instruction with
ideological indoctrination. In both cases, the abuse is satanic, and government
is behind it.
The satanic religion now being taught
in our schools includes in its worldview stories about where the universe came
from, how the earth formed, how life originated, the origin of man, where
language came from, the origin of marriage, what happens at death etc. However,
because science deals with things that are observable and repeatable, the idea
that those made up stories are science is a satanic delusion, and God says of
everyone who believes them, “O fools, and slow of heart to believe everything
the prophets have said” (Luke 24:25).
One of the great delusions lies in the
secular bias against the truth of Scripture. That is foolish because science is
founded on the belief that God has created an orderly universe guided by
mathematical laws. What true science rejects is man made mythology, not the
truth of God’s Word. Yet, in their blindness, secularists foolishly accept
man-made myths as science while closing their mind to any evidence that does
not fit their worldview.
For example: On the first page of his
book, “The Blind watchmaker” (second paragraph) atheist Richard Dawkins says.
“Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of
having been designed for a purpose.” Yet his book was written to deny that
obvious fact. Now, ask yourself: Would a dog, a horse or any other animal think
that those complicated things Richard Dawkins has in mind, “give the
appearance of having been designed for a purpose”? OF COU
Many of the ideas basic to the secular
worldview are rooted in pagan mythology and philosophy. I can remember when textbooks
said that the universe always existed and always would exist. There was no
scientific evidence that was true. They just made up a myth and dared anyone to
prove that it wasn’t true. However, even then scientists knew that the universe
was expanding, and when evidence of that expansion made it obvious that the
universe could not be infinitely old they just made up another myth, the myth
of the “Big Bang” (the claim that everything came from nothing).
There is evidence that the universe is expanding, and
there is Biblical evidence that God created an expanding universe (Isaiah
40:22), but the claim that before the “big bang” all matter was compressed into
one point etc. is pure mythology.
Having created a myth to explain where
the universe came from, the secularists then create a myth about the sun
forming from gas and the earth coming into existence as a molten blob. However,
as before, their myth contradicts real science. The laws of physics cause gas
to expand and will not allow gas to compress itself into a star on its own. Granite
can only form in the presence of water. And there is not one scrap of evidence
that the world was once molten.
Having made up a myth about the origin
of the heavens and earth, they then need a myth to explain the origin of life,
so they appeal to the superstitious belief that life will spontaneously
generate in a warm little pond. In fact, Bill Ney
made that claim in his debate with Ken Ham. Nevertheless, anyone who has had even
High School Biology should recognize that claim as unscientific. The law that
life comes only from preexisting life is so well established in science that it
is known as the “Law of Biogenesis”.
They then make up a myth about
“simple” life forms gradually changing into more complex life forms. That was
easy for
They then make up stories about how
“primitive man” discovered fire, and how language developed from grunts. However,
because these claims are based on
Since their religion needs some
position regarding sexual morality, marriage and the afterlife the schools disguise
those doctrines as “Sex Education” and “Death Education”. In Sex Education
students are taught that they should regard homosexuality as normal, and feel
no guilt over sexual activity. In “Death Education” they are taught that there
is no afterlife, and they should not fear death but regard it as normal. For
that reason, every Christian should regard “Sex Education” and “Death
Education” as two doctrines of the satanic religion being taught in our
schools. And, rulers who promote that satanic religion should be regarded as
just as evil as the kings in ancient
The claim that religious freedom
exists in this country is a myth. Yes, we may be allowed to meet in churches to
worship God. But if we were really free our opinions would not be excluded from
the public forum, towns would not be forced to take down nativity scenes, a
baker who refused to make a cake for a homosexual “wedding” would not be
persecuted, a clerk who refused to issue a license for a homosexual “marriage”
would not be persecuted, and wicked rulers could not force us to allow
“transsexual” men into restrooms used by little girls, or persecute us for
condemning such wickedness.