Whenever I see evolution presented, whether in a textbook or on TV, the people doing the presenting tend to use the phrase, “it evolved” like a magic wand. They might say, “dinosaurs evolved into birds” as if it could just happen, like magic. However, that is storytelling, not science. In real life things just do not happen that way. In real life, modern birds (birds virtually identical to birds living today) have been found in the same rock layers as dinosaurs. And, if the birds have not changed there is no reason to believe that the dinosaurs have. They simply became extinct!

          I am not the only one to notice this “secular magic”. In the book, “Darwin’s Black box,” Michael J. Behe (who is an evolutionist, but one who acknowledges some of its problems), has this to say about a popular textbook. “The new edition uses the word evolution as a wand to wave over mysteries… After describing the whale the textbook remarks, ‘Thus we see in the sperm whale a remarkable anatomical and biochemical adaptation, perfected by evolution.’ But that single line is all that is said! The whale is stamped ‘perfected by evolution,’ and everybody goes home. The authors make no attempt to explain how the sperm whale came to have the structure it has.” (Page 181.) A structure that virtually screams intelligent design.